Monday, June 7, 2010

7th June

Had a good nights sleep, the hotel is so much better than that bloody hole we were staying in. Had a lazy morning and then got the free tram around the city. We did go to The Old Melbourne Gaol. It was hilarious. Visiters get taken through by some old battle axe warden who shout at you as if they were taking a load of prisoners to a holding area. Martha and Max were very worried that it was real but Martha soon came round to the idea that it was theatre, poor Max tried so hard to keep himself from crying and really thought he was going to end up in Jail. The 'guard' let the kids be helper guards and when she left us for a 2nd and I took a photo Martha grassed on me and told her I had stepped out of line and taken a photo-the 'guard' called me a wanker! Justin was wetting himself. It was the jail where Ned Kelly was hung.

Quick trip round little Italy and Fitzroy, had a pub lunch at the Napier Hotel. Max played his first game of pool.

We nearly paid $47 for parking. It is so expensive.

1 comment:

  1. You will be pleased to hear I was responsible fort PINS...the Parking Infringement Notice system...I was if my old car licence plate BLZ510 is still exempt from proesecution... Fritzroy, you were right next to hardys place in carlton...did you not visit ?
